Legal Information

Company Name: Fast Solutions Developer Pvt Ltd

Incorporation Date: May 31, 2024
Registered Office Address: Jalal Pur Jattan Road, Next to Fatima Chandi Masjid
Bolay, Gujrat, 50700

Correspondence Address: Jalal Pur Jattan Road, Next to Fatima Chandi Masjid
Bolay, Gujrat, 50700

Company Registration Number: 0259661

National Tax Number (NTN): D920046

Business Activities: Fast Solutions Developer Pvt Ltd is engaged in the development and
provision of cutting-edge software solutions, e-commerce consultancy, and related technology

Mission Statement: At Fast Solutions Developer Pvt Ltd, our mission is to transform the e-commerce
world by providing top-notch software solutions and unmatched consultancy services. We’re passionate
about empowering businesses with the latest technology, smooth integrations, and strategic advice to
help them reach their goals and excel in the digital market. Our commitment to excellence, honesty, and
constant growth inspires us to create lasting value for our partners, clients, and the entire global e-
commerce community.

Contact Information:
Phone: +92 322 5981014
Landline: +92 53 2193867

Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising out of or in connection with our services will be
handled in accordance with the laws of Pakistan.

Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy

Terms of Service: Terms of Service

Changes to Legal Information: We reserve the right to update or modify this legal information
at any time without prior notice. Please review this page periodically for any changes.

Updated on: 23/7/2024

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