How to Connect Your Domain to Shopify

How to Connect Your Domain to Shopify

GoDaddy Airo: Buy a domain, then instantly build your website, logo and more!

By Fast Solutions Developer

Connecting your domain to Shopify store is an important step in establishing your brand’s online presence. This guide will take you through the process, whether you bought your domain directly from Shopify or from a third-party provider like GoDaddy.

Steps to Connect Your Domain to Shopify

1. Log In to Your Shopify Admin: Start by logging into your Shopify admin panel.

2. Go to Domains Section: Navigate to Online Store > Domains in your Shopify admin.

3. Choose Your Domain Provider: Depending on where you purchased your domain, follow these steps:

Connecting a Domain Purchased from Shopify If you bought your domain from Shopify, it’s automatically connected to your store. Here’s how to ensure it’s set up correctly:

  • Verify Connection: Check the Domains section to confirm your domain is listed under “Primary domain” or “Third-party domains.” If it’s not set as primary, click Set as primary next to your Shopify-managed domain.

Connecting a Third-Party Domain (e.g., GoDaddy) If your domain is from a provider like GoDaddy, follow these steps:

  • Add Your Domain: In the Domains section, click Connect existing domain. Enter your domain (e.g., and click Next.
  • Update DNS Settings: Go to your domain provider’s website (e.g., GoDaddy), log in, and find your DNS settings or domain management area. Update these DNS records:
    • CNAME Record: Point the CNAME record for www (or your subdomain) to
    • A Record: Point the A record to Shopify’s IP address:
  • Verify Connection in Shopify: Return to your Shopify admin and click Verify connection to confirm Shopify can see the updated DNS settings.
  • Note: It may take a few hours for these changes to take effect globally.

4. Set Your Primary Domain: Once connected, you’ll see your domain listed in the Domains section. Click Set as primary next to your new domain to make it your store’s primary domain.

5. Configure SSL: Shopify automatically provides an SSL certificate for secure connections. Ensure SSL is enabled in the Domains section. Troubleshooting Tips

  • Propagation Time: DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate globally, so be patient if your domain isn’t immediately connected.
  • Clear Cache: Clear your browser cache if you don’t see domain changes.
  • Check DNS Records: Double-check your DNS records for accuracy.

Conclusion Connecting your domain to Shopify is crucial for branding your online store and making it accessible to customers. Whether you bought your domain from Shopify or GoDaddy, following these steps will ensure a smooth connection process. Ready to set up your Shopify store with a custom domain? Follow these steps, and for further assistance, Shopify’s support team is available to guide you through the process. To get started with GoDaddy, click here to find the perfect domain for your Shopify store.

Create a free website with GoDaddy!

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