Making Parent Menu Items Clickable in Shopify Dawn Theme

Question: How can parent menu items be made clickable in a Shopify theme?

Note: Always make a backup copy of theme

The key is to replace the code in both of the following files: 

i. header-mega-menu.liquid

ii. header-dropdown-menu.liquid

1. Go to Online store > Themes > Actions > Edit code.

2. Open the header.liquid file in the Sections folder.

3. Find this code

{%- if link.child_active %} 
{% endif %}>
{{ link.title | escape }}

 4. Replace with this code

<a href="{{ link.url }}"
 class="header__menu-item" style="padding: 0;">
       {%- if link.child_active %} 
      {% endif %}>{{ link.title | escape }}

5. Save changes

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